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About Whatever

The Lonesome Philosopher is just a blog’s blog. It contains the aimless thoughts and meaningless ramblings of another fake philosopher lurking here, at the very back of the internet. This blog is a real blog. That is, it’s a web log, which is what a blog used to be. This is my personal journal that I anonymously share with the world. I don’t pretend to be smarter than I am and I don’t pretend to be more humble than I am. I’m just me, here, in all my ugliness and beauty, depending on your personal take that is. In a way I’m everybody and I’m nobody. I’m everywhere and nowhere. I’m satisfied and happy with life but at the same time miserable and unfulfilled. I’m the smartest guy I know yet I’m an idiot. I’m full of wisdom but live the life of a fool. You can read along if you want as you may just find a bit of yourself talking in here, in this blog, from time to time. I may be 180 degrees opposite from you but at the same time dangerously close to how you are. These are the thoughts of a true loner; a wanderer. An itinerant poet that writes no poetry. A philosopher without a philosophy; a musician without songs and a lover with an empty heart. I’m the person that takes long walks at night, alone, under the moonlight and stars while every other normal person is in bed or in their living rooms watching TV. I live in the artist’s painting and walk through the streets of the storyteller’s town, which exists only in the book you are reading, and in my real life. I walk these streets alone and share the midnight moonlight with no one, as no one really wants it or values it. I’m the romantic, starry-eyed character, the dreamer, the thinker, the loner that is often dramatized in movies, books and songs. I live here, in real life, but it’s not romantic and there is no glory to be had. I am poignancy.

Welcome to my blog.

You can make a cup of coffee and stay as long as you like, but I warn you, I’m only good company sometimes. I have a lot to say and I’m only a good listener when I want to be; when I’m in the mood. None the less, I welcome you and invite you to stay and relax. You can drop by whenever you like, as long as I’m not about to eat supper. I don’t like company when I’m about to eat at home. But if it’s late at night and you are bored and don’t know what to do, then find me in your bookmarks and pay me a visit. I will appreciate your company. I am lonesome, after all.

Again, welcome to my blog.